Only stupidity that underestimates education | Humans do not design to fail, they fail to design | Failure occurs only when we give up.

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Monday, July 1, 2013


The importance of Education for All People

Education is the most important thing in our lives, this means that every human being deserves and hope to always evolve in education. Education in general has meant a life in self-development process of each individual to live and sustain life. Thus becoming an educated is very important. Education is the first time we get in the family, school and community environments.

A child who loved to love his family, so the child will feel that a child needs in the family. Because the family was a source of strength membangunya. Thus there will be a situation of mutual help, mutual respect, which strongly supports the development of the child. In a family that gave maximum growth opportunities, and development are the parents. In the family environment of self-esteem develops as valued, accepted, loved, and respected as a human being. Such is the importance why we become educated in a family environment. Parents teach us start from childhood to respect others.

While in the school environment to be both educational and if the parents have enough money then can proceed to a higher level and will continue to university and then become a well-educated. How important is education. Teachers as media educators provide knowledge in accordance with the capabilities. The role of the teacher as an educator is to give support and encouragement role, as well as tasks related to disciplining children so that children can have a sense of responsibility with what he did. Teachers should also strive to be the lesson is always enough to attract children.

In addition, the role of the community is also important for students. This means providing an overview of how we live in a society. Thus when we interact with people, they will judge us, that knows where people are educated, and uneducated. In an age of globalization expect the younger generation to develop the knowledge gained so behind in the times. That's the importance of being a well-educated in the Family, School, and Community.


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Author: Education For All Human
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